Sunday, 18 December 2011

Essay proposal..

Title// How does the use of advertising have an effect on consumerism?

My essay objectives//

1// I will be looking into different methods of advertising and how they effect consumerism.

2// I will be looking at how consumers react to advertising.

3// I will be looking at whether or not consumers are in control over what they buy or whether the use of advertising has control over consumerism.

4// I will be looking at how consumerism has evolved over the years and how we advertising has revolutionised consumerism.

5// I will be looking into what methods advertising uses, such as affecting our emotions to persuade us into buying their product.

6// I will be looking at how much power advertising has over comsumerism.


Here are the 10 sources that I will using to write my essay.

Adorno, T (1991) The Culture Industry: Selected essays in mass culture. London, Routledge.

I think this text will be useful because it is about mass culture and part of what I will be looking at is how advertising effects consumerism and how advertising can effect mass culture and the way we buy products.

Debord, G (1994) The Society of the spectacle. London, Rebel Press.

Gobe, M (2010) Emotional Branding: The new paridigm for connecting brands to people. New York, Allworth Press.

This text will be useful because it looks at how brands use emotions to connect with people, rather than by the actual product they are trying to sell.

Lindstrom, M (2008) Buy.Ology: How everything we believe about why we buy is wrong. London, Random House.

This text talks about how advertising effects the reasons we buy things and how we can be tricked into thinking that we need to buy a product when really we will not benefit from it.

Marcuse, H (1991) One dimensional man. London, Rouledge.

Noel, H (2009) Consumer behaviour. Worthing, AVA Publishing.

This text looks at consumer behaviour and how and why we buy.

Pavitt, J (2000) Brand New. London, V&A.

Strinati, D (2nd Edition, 2004) An introduction to theories of popular culture. London, Routledge.

Turow, J and McAllister, M.P (2009) The advertising and consumer culture. New York, Routledge.

This text will be useful because it talks about advertising and the consumer culutre which is what I am basing my essay on.

Vollmer, C and Precourt, G (2008) Always on: Advertising, Marketing and Media in an era of consumer control. USA, McGraw Hill.

Wickstrom, M (2006) Performing Consumers. New York, Routledge.

Williams, R (1980) Culture and Materialism. London, Verso.

This text will be very useful because it talks about how we are a very materialist society and that we buy products for all the wrong reasons. Which links into how advertising persuades us into purchasing something that we probably dont need.