Sunday 23 October 2011

Lecture two: Technology will liberate us..


- Technological conditions can affect the collective consciousness.

- Technology trigger important changes in cultural development.

- Walter Benjamin's essay 'The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction' (1936) significantly evaluates the role of technology through photography as an instrument of change.

- We were asked to draw a small doodle during the lecture, faithfully copy it and then do it again and again. The thing we learnt from this was that the copy and reproduction of the original was often more valuable than the original itself.

Walter Benjamin and mechanical reproduction:

- The age of technology and art.

- Parallel and specific to new developments; a duality expressing the zeitgeist.

- Dialectical due to the copy, reproductive nature and the role of the original.

- The aura abd uniqueness of art.

- Technology first started with the simple photograms.

- Kineticism was another turning point for the evolution of technology.

- Dematerialization of art.

Karl Marx and technology:

- Associated with the term technological determinism. How technological determines economical production factors and affects social conditions.

- The relationship of technological enterprise to other aspects of human activity.

Dialectical issues:

- Technology drives history.
- Technology and the division of labour.
- Materialist view of history.
- Technology and Capitalism and production.
- Social Alienation of people form aspects of their human nature as a result of capitalism.

Post modern Post machine:

- Many electronic works were still made with modern aesthetic.
- Emergence of information and conceptual based works.
- The computer a natural metaphor.
- A spirit of openness to industrial techniques.
- Collaborations between art and science.

Simulation and Simulacrum:

- It is the reflection of a profound reality.
- It masks and denatures a profound reality.
- It masks the absence of a profound reality.
- It has no relation to any reality whatsoever; it is its own pure simulacrum.
- Jean Baudrillard (1981).

- Nam June Paik: He used technologies as a critique on their actual affect on society.

- John Walker and art and mass media: Art in the age of mass media (2001)

- Art uses mass media (1990-2000)
- Art in advertisements
- The artist as media celebrity

- Digital age//
- Margot Lovejoy; Digital currents

- Digital potential leads to multimedia productions.
- Technological reduction of all images so they are addressed by the computer.
- New contexts.

Multimedia work:

- Interactivity
- Performance
- Transdisciplinary
- Time, space and motion explored in art and as art
- Collaborations
- Computer as a tool for integrating media

- Hyperreal; reality by proxy

- Conclusion:

- Art comments on the ideology of everyday life.

- Art can be expressive and progressive.

- Technological tools can blur the line between production of fine art works and commercial and design production.

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